Wow, it’s hard to believe our little guy is seven months old today. It really does seem just like yesterday we were meeting him for the first time.
Without a doubt this has been the best seven months of our lives.
I can’t even explain to you how fun it is to live life with my amazing wife, and sweet little son. I seriously wish I had time to tell you about all the incredible ways God has been working in our life.
It’s mind-blowing!
Fun With Friends

Noah's thinking about lunch!
Noah had a busy (but fun) day today.
During the afternoon he and my wife had a play-date with Lilly and Laura. Laura’s making Noah a really fun (and very useful) texture quilt.
Sensory development is important for any child during the first year of their life. A texture quilt is basically a quilt made out of many different kinds of fabrics; smooth, rough, soft, plush, etc, that touches the babies skin as he plays on it.
It’s perfect for sensory development.
Thanks, Laura!
Noah Hangs With The Big Boys
Abbie had to work a late shift tonight so Noah, my friend J.D, and I headed to Ft. Worth for a night on the town.
One of my favorite restaurants is Joe T. Garcias in Ft. Worth. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t have the best mexican food in town, but you’d be hard pressed to find a cooler atmosphere.
You eat in someone’s huge backyard surrounded by pools, music, and gardens…how cool is that?

Noah's first trip to Joe T Garcia's. It was a big day!
Then when went down to Sundance Square to walk around a bit, and have some coffee (well, I actually had an Izze!) Noah made it through dinner..but didn’t quite make it through coffee!
Dad Lesson #203
It’s so much fun hanging out with Noah.
Even though he is only seven months old, it’s just fun being with him. It’s so awesome being his dad.
I’m pretty sure this was the first time Noah has ever been out past 9 p.m. and I have a confession to make. I used to judge parents who had their kids out late (or brought them into a movie.)
I don’t any more. 🙂

I love hanging out with this little guy.
Now on to Dad lesson #203, which I learned tonight.
No matter how manly of a dad you think you are, two guys wearing Sperry’s, and khaki shorts while hanging out downtown without their wives, pushing a baby stroller (with a baby in it) and carrying a diaper bag, will cause both of you stand out from the crowd.
So be prepared.
And that’s all I’m going to say about that. 🙂
What’s one of the most embarrassing (or just plain odd) situations you’ve been in since becoming a parent? I want to hear your story!
Hey Noah
Happy 7 month birthday! Tell your mom and dad that they are doing the most amazing job being your parents. You’re getting really good at working that camera too !!!!
Hugz from Down Under
Yes he is!
Thanks for you comment, and it’s always cool to hear from you. We like having friends in other parts of the globe!
Thanks for all of your always encouraging comments!
By the way…you should really get a Gravatar ——>
so sweet! Happy Birthday Noah
Thanks! We did have a great one.
Thanks for your comment, and I can’t wait to check our your blog as well.
Take a second and grab a Gravatar —–>
My husband and I always wondered what people thought when he and his best friend took the kids anywhere….”Look, Carly has two daddies!”. Ah, who cares…people are going to think what they’re going to think anyway! 🙂
Happy 7th month birthday Noah!!
Came across your video blog from Twitter! Love it. What a gift you are giving us and yourself as a parent. You will love looking back at all this video footage. Your son is adorable.
I love the thought bubbles!!!